Dust Mite Removal Service


Keep your allergies under control with our dust mite removal service.


Professional service.

Dust mites in our homes are a prime source of causing allergies, sneezing, runny noses, lung problems, itchiness, and inflamed or infected eczema.


Skilled Technicians.

BMV takes charge of deep cleaning your home and provides industry leading dust mite removal treatments to eliminate the problem.


Expert Know-how.

We use state-of-the-art equipment, technology and environmental-friendly products to treat areas and soft furnishings that have been affected by dust mites. 


Safe Solutions.

Our technicians use powerful active non-toxic solutions to reduce the number of mites and to stop breeding. We are passionate about creating a cleaner healthier environment for your family.

Let’s talk about your project

Fill in the form or call us.

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